exhibition | abu dhabi, ae

haroon mirzas multimediale rauminstallation dyson sphere in gruppenausstellung in the art gallery nyu

In der Ausstellung the only constant im NYU in Abu Dhabi setzen sich Haroon Mirza und weitere internationale Künstler:innen mit zeitgenössischen Landschaften auseinander, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf dem Moment liegt, in dem der Mensch die Landschaft und die Landschaft den Menschen verändert, angefangen von Bildern, die mit dem Paradies zu tun haben, bis hin zu Vorstellungen von Entwicklung und technologischem Streben.


Die Ausstellung ist Teil einer fortlaufenden Reihe, in der die Kuratorin Maya Allison das Konzept der Landschaft untersucht, wie es sich in der zeitgenössischen Kunstpraxis weltweit manifestiert. Haroon Mirza zeigt in diesem Zusammenhang seine multimediale Rauminstallation Dyson Sphere.


"The Middle East is a fascinating place, which invests a lot in arts and culture. Their aspiration is to host the best galleries, museums, art schools and institutions within an environment at the front line of climate change. These are cultures emerging from the desert, so traditionally they have wisdom on how to deal with extreme climate, but the West very much inspires their desired way of living. So worryingly, instead of finding solutions from that history, or reducing oil consumption, there is 24/7 air conditioning and gas-guzzling vehicles. That said, I am sure this mindset will change very soon and my goal in many ways is to contribute to increasing awareness. Currently, I’m participating in the Islamic Arts Biennale AWWAL BAIT, which just opened in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, as well as the Noor Riyadh art and light festival’s group show “From Spare to Spirit” and the Ishara Foundation’s “Notions on Time” exhibition in Dubai. At the end of February, my work “Dyson Sphere”, initially designed for the “Novacène” exhibition in Lille in 2022, will also be exhibited in the new group show “The Only Constant”, at the New York University Abu Dhabi. I am delighted to bring this piece to this place where the sun is so overwhelming."
– Haroon Mirza, Interview mit art of change 21


Haroon Mirza

the only constant

22 Februar - 04 Juni 2023

The Art Gallery at NYU Abu Dhabi


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22 Februar 2023