exhibition | burgdorf, ch

"transformations" is an exhibition with brigitte kowanz, which follows the thesis that art can strengthen transformation abilities

The exhibition Transformations centres on a selection of about 300 exhibits from the collection of the cooperative-based Mobiliar, which at this point comprises over 2000 artworks. Objects, sculptures, paintings, drawings, prints, videos, and photographs by over 100 artists are on display, including Brigitte Kowanz.


The show is based on the premise that art can enhance our abilities to transform.


Transformations reflects the conviction that engaging with art is meaningful on different levels. Artworks provide us with food for thought. Artworks inspire new ideas and perspectives. Artworks encourage us to be conscious, curious, and courageous in our approach to transformative issues – both in our private and our professional life. The exhibition’s aim is to show a broad audience how this can be achieved.

On the one hand, Transformations relates stories of change from the perspective of artists. The show provides insights into how creative people respond to the challenges of our time. Artists are seismographs because they use their artistic and transformative methods to address current and contentious issues long before they become the subject of broad public debates. Responsibility, communality, climate change, solidarity, insecurity, happiness, power, time management, and personal space are among the themes featured in the exhibition.

On the other hand, Transformations extends to aspects of individual, personal change. The central question is: “Which of the proposed ideas could be applied to our own personal development?” Transformations is thus also an inspiring space for reflection, a kind of innovative toolbox visitors can access to examine themselves as well as their private and professional environment.


Transformations was curated by Dorothea Strauss in collaboration with Anna Wesle and will be accompanied by a catalogue in German and French published by Verlag für moderne Kunst.



Brigitte Kowanz


Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf

25 März - 3 September 2023


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25 March 2023